Greg Abbott directed the Department of Family and Protective Services to investigate parents who provide gender-affirming care to their transgender children as child abuse. The platform plank also states that students should witness a live ultrasound and watch a Miracle of Life type video. The 1982 film documents the human reproductive process from conception to birth. At its Houston convention Saturday, the state GOP put forth a party platform that calls to "abolish . And thats what three days of in-person voting would look like. The 2022 platform adopted all planks presented in the Committee Report at the statewide convention, plus 2 planks presented on the floor of the convention. The Texas Republican Party convention was really, um, something, wrote CNNs Chris Cilizza. A February survey from the University of Texas at Austin found that 22 percent of Republican respondents . At a convention where several of its more prominent lawmakers were harassed and booed, the Texas Republican Party has passed the latest version of its official platform and it makes for shocking reading. The hall at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston filled with boos on Friday as he tried to explain the legislation, which would allow juvenile records to be incorporated into background checks for gun buyers younger than 21 and encourage red flag laws that would make it easier to remove guns from potentially dangerous people, along with more funding for school safety and mental health. U.S. Rep. Tony . Advocates have beenurging public officialsagainst using the charged rhetoric, warning that it could cause violence directed at LGBTQ Americans. HOUSTON Meeting at their first in-person convention since 2018, Texas Republicans on Saturday acted on a raft of resolutions and proposed platform changes to move their party even further to the right. Rejecting the LGBTQ+ community is nothing new for the Republican Party, but Texas recent streak of translating harmful rhetoric into law brings cause for worry. Our commitment to ethical, fact-based journalism is vital to our democracy, and we cant do it without you. Texas Lt. Gov. Thousands of Republican activists met at the partys biennial convention in Houston on Saturday to agree to the party's platform on a range of issues, including the rejection of the 2020 election results and a call to repeal of the 1965 Voting Right Act, which was enacted to prevent discrimination against Black voters. 2022 Republican Primary Ballot Propositions; Local Election Resources; Candidate Resource Committee. Video posted online showed far-right activists physically accosting U.S. Rep. Dan Crenshaw, calling the conservative Republican eye-patch McCain over his criticism of Russia. Texas Republicans met over the weekend and adopted a platform that would make Lincoln gasp and Sam Houston scream. Observers cite the partys convention as evidence that state Republicans have gone full MAGA. But if anything, MAGA folks are following Texas. Texas GOP's new platform calls gay people 'abnormal' and rejects trans The platform also calls for Congress to change the Communications Decency Act and limit online platforms from censoring certain users, a policy initiative Republicans also pushed in the 2022 legislative session. And earlier this month, a Texas lawmaker announced that he would introduce novel legislation to ban minors from attending drag shows in the state. In addition to a number of controversial policy planks, it also called on the state legislature to authorize a referendum on secession from the United States. Delegates booed Republican Sen. John Cornyn -- who has held his seat for 20 years and got more 2020 votes statewide than Trump . In fact, gender and sexuality are one of the topics most prevalent in the 2022 Texas Republican platform. Weve previously shot down Republican talking points on guns, yet it seems no matter how many Texans lose their lives, young or old, the GOPs guns will remain more important than life itself. Week in Review Another Nearly no other issue has embodied the backward obsessions of the modern-day Texas GOP more than the fight for transgender rights in Texas. For more information, please see our After labeling homosexuality an abnormal lifestyle choice, they also call for the nullification of Obergefell v. Hodges (the landmark case making marriage equality the law of the land) with the goal of outlawing LGBTQ+ marriage regardless of state of origin.. Oh, and why not regress even further by repealing all hate crime laws? Kennedy is a passionate reporter, avid reader, coffee enthusiast, and loves to travel. Texas GOP's Swing to Far Right Cemented With Party Platform Texas GOP's new platform says Biden didn't really win the 2020 - NPR Texas Democratic Party 2022-2024 Platform ADOPTED BY STATE DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AUGUST 6, 2022 NOTE: GRAMMATICAL AND TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS WILL BE MADE TO THIS DOCUMENT IN A TIMELY MANNER. The Texas Republican party adopted a new platform on Saturday that refers to homosexuality as "abnormal" and "opposes all efforts to validate transgender . Land Commissioner George P. Bush, a grandson and nephew of the two presidents, was defeated handily in May in his runoff race against Attorney General Ken Paxton, an arch-conservative who sued to challenge the 2020 election outcome and convinced voters that he was the truer Trump loyalist. But this year, national media pored over the partys interminably long platform, highlighting language that declared the 2020 presidential election results illegitimate, endorsed a referendum that would allow Texas voters to declare their secession from the United States, and called for the states schoolchildren to be drilled on the humanity of the preborn child. The platform also declared homosexuality an abnormal lifestyle choice, and called for Texas to strengthen the electric grid, not with regulations that keep the lights on in other states hit by extreme weather that our own leaders are averse to, but rather to defend against mythical electromagnetic pulse weapons.. And its full of great reads, yall. The Republican Party of Texas wrapped up its biennial convention on Saturday, after thousands of delegates voted on the party's legislative priorities, as well as its latest platform . Finally, the platform committee presents a draft document to the entire State Convention, and delegates are given the opportunity to vote yes or no on each individual plank. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. He promised . Join us Sept. 22-24 in person in downtown Austin for The Texas Tribune Festival and experience 100+ conversation events featuring big names you know and others you should from the worlds of politics, public policy, the media and tech all curated by The Texas Tribunes award-winning journalists. Republican States Push to Ban Men from Womens' Sports of hateful text, heres a brief rundown of their 2022 platform: of widespread voter fraud, the Texas GOP is claiming Bidens win null. There simply arent limits now on what the base might ask for.. By this measure, the 2022 convention of the Republican Party of Texas in Houston was a stunning success. Kristen Ylana, executive director of The Texas Womens Health Caucus, said the push to teach public school students that life begins at fertilization represents a broader push by the Texas Republican Party to broadly establish a legal foundation to claim a fetus is a person with constitutional rights. The additions to the state GOP platform related to teaching Texas students about sex and sexuality come months after Gov. Changing the U.S. Constitution to cement the number of Supreme Court justices at nine and repeal the 16th Amendment of 1913, which created the federal income tax. It should give Texas Republican elected officials cause for concern that many of them cannot show up at their partys own convention without being heckled or attacked.Whats perhaps most bizarre is that, in leading us into these choppy waters, conservative activists in Texas are framing their fight as one for a return to tradition. They want schools and the military to require adherence to the gender binary and oppose all forms of validation for transgender folks, whether physical or verbal. 91 - Mesquite City Council Member Jeff Casper and TX House Rep. Venton Jones, Ep. Top 10 Worst Sh** in the 2022 Texas Republican Party Platform The platform-drafting process at the Texas Republican convention is a sort of day-care program for the grassroots. Far-Right Texas Republican Platform Calls for State to Secede From U.S. 95 - The State Of Abortion Care in Texas with AVOW and Jane's Due Process, Ep. Consider, for example, the proceedings in 2014, when convention delegates got ready to pass a platform that endorsed net neutrality, a regulatory measure supported by internet companies and opposed by telecom companies. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Republican Party of Texas Chairman Matt Rinaldi said Our platform, taken as a whole, shows that the GOP is, above all, a party of parents, families, and working Americans dedicated to preserving the American dream for our children. On Saturday, thousands of Texas Republicans approved a new platform at the 2022 party convention in Houston, and it immediately caused a furor. Buy tickets. This and similar moves in other states spurred the Biden administration and top Democrats to try and pass a bill strengthening the Voting Rights Act, an effort that failed when two of their own senators refused to join an effort to reform the Senate filibuster. This was the folksy down-home antique you may have seen in Patricks ads, where he puts on his boots and hunting garb and sits in a rocking chair and acts like your angry grandpappy. It is rare for a plank to be rejected, Texas GOP party spokesperson James Wesolek said. In 2022, the Texas GOP still says President Joe Biden didnt legitimately win the 2020 election, and the new platform supports the Texas Attorney Generals continued investigation of voter fraud claims. If you fill out the first name, last name, or agree to terms fields, you will NOT be added to the newsletter list. What happened on, Secession is ridiculous, never going to happen, and. Opinion | The Texas GOP platform calls for secession? Good riddance About 9,600 delegates and alternates were eligible to attend; organizers said turnout was a bit more than half that. Schools arent the social educators of our kids.. They: 7. Top 10 Worst Sh** in the Texas Republican Party Platform Texas Republican Party platform used to be the butt of jokes. Now it What happened on January 6, 2021 is evidence enough of that. . While . Indeed, this years platform was less evidence that the party had gone full MAGA than that the Texas GOPs grassroots are to the right of Trumpism in meaningful ways. Repealing the VRA would be radicalits one of the most beneficial pieces of legislation in the history of the country, having made imperfect democracies of Southern states for the first time in their history. The pickups falseness is appropriate for a political movement that is becoming more and more radical in pursuit of what it likes to call traditional values. Daniel Vaughn is the countrys first barbecue editor, and he has eaten more barbecue than you have. End of sentence. Axioss write-up concurred: Texas GOP goes full MAGA.. The Texas GOP's stance on same-sex marriage aligns with the national party. The state GOPhas called for the VRAs repeal in every platform in the past decade, well predating Trumps appearance on the scene. On the fringes of the convention, Congressman Dan Crenshaw, from Houston, got in a much-publicized scuffle with some right-wing provocateurs, led by online troll Alex Stein. "This is not surprising, but it certainly is painful for LGBTQ people who live here in Texas. Until this prohibition goes into effect, sexual education shall only utilize sexual risk avoidance programs and promote abstinence outside of marriage. So are we, thats why were fighting back against the right-wing lie machine. Sign up for The Brief, our daily newsletter that keeps readers up to speed on the most essential Texas news. Disclosure: Rice University and University of Houston have been financial supporters of The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that is funded in part by donations from members, foundations and corporate sponsors. Texas Republicans want to secede from the United States. Could they do it? Meanwhile, the party platform vote on Saturday by roughly 5,100 convention delegates would argue that those under 21 are most likely to need to defend themselves and may need to quickly buy guns in emergencies such as riots. It also would say that red flag laws violate the due process rights of people who havent been convicted of a crime. , Texas trigger law outlawing abortion from conception, will go into effect. Join us Sept. 22-24 in person in downtown Austin for The Texas Tribune Festival and experience 100+ conversation events featuring big names you know and others you should from the worlds of politics, public policy, the media and tech all curated by The Texas Tribunes award-winning journalists. No longer just a product of the fringe, the proposed platform of the Even worse, they urge the Voting Rights Act of 1965, codified and updated in 1973, be repealed and not reauthorized. Its disappearance would make their attempts as voter disenfranchisement all the easier. Texas Republicans declare Biden election illegitimate, despite evidence Immigration continued to be a major theme, with delegates lamenting Bidens reversal of Trump-era border policies. The mood of this convention was not hopeful. Those delegates said Saturday they prefer such conversations happen at home. IE 11 is not supported. Think taxpayer money should not fund or subsidize high speed rail. Do you value our journalism? Fleeing for Your Life? They approved measures declaring that President Joe Biden was not legitimately elected and rebuking Sen. John Cornyn for taking part in bipartisan gun talks. Not for the first time in its history, some in Texas want to secede from the United States and form an independent nation.. Texas Republicans, at a state party convention this weekend, called for a referendum to determine whether the state "should reassert its status as an independent nation". Whether or not it was true, it was possible to believe. Treating homosexuality as an abnormal lifestyle choice, language that was not included in the 2018 or 2020 party platforms. Oct. 29, 2021. 90 - Texas Rep. Salman Bhojani and Nicole Golden of Texas Gun Sense. 5. David Faris. There were indeed some developments at this years convention that seemed indicative of larger dysfunctions within the state party. The list is an assortment of cultural, economic and judicial grievances that have had their moments in the sun over the last two decades of Republican politics. The actions capped a convention that highlighted how adamantly opposed the partys most active and vocal members are to compromising with Democrats or moderating on social positions, even as the state has grown more diverse and Republicans margins in statewide elections have shrunk slightly in recent years.